Friday, May 29, 2009

What I tell You Three times in True

Yet again I write a blog to say that things are not going so well, but I am trying to stay hopeful. I am still with out a new career path, but I am grateful for the job that I have. More than that, I am grateful for the life I have.

In the course of two days I had three very close friends tell me they felt that I should return to the church and try to connect. I am definitely going to start searching for a good church for my wife and I, but I am a bit conflicted. I don't think that it is OK to go to church so that you get a new job, but if I am very honest...I am hoping that this return to practicing a faith based ritual will in some way help me in my search. I do believe God understands and does not condemn this back burner thought.

I gotta keep on keepin' on.


Sunday, May 24, 2009


I am spoke with a career counselor who told me to join facebook to help me find a new job. I did so and instead of a job offer I received countless "friend requests" from people I knew way back when. In an effort to broaden my network, I have only declined friendship to about a dozen people. I am trying to join launch[ad job club but I can't seem to sign up and I sent them an e-mail explaining this and received no further instruction. Frustrating.

Saturday I sat and talked with some people I hadn't seen in a quite some time and our conversation was encouraging. Nobody told me"Everything will be alright" or "I'm sure you'll get a great job real soon", but I was told by people who have known me since I was very young that they are proud of how I am handling this situation. That was and still is encouraging. God is allowing me a little bit of instant gratification by making it clear that this time in my life is teaching me alot of very valuable lessons. I am also really happy and excited for the great direction and possible new career my wife has found. I know this will sound really WBish, but seeing my wife happy makes it alot easier for me to deal with a crappy career.

I got to play pool football with my dad and brothers today. We probably hadn't done that in 3 years. It was alot of fun and left me a in a very satisfying state of tired" Does anybody else know what I mean by that? It's a good tired. I sleep well type of exhausted.

I have a great family.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Swinging for the fences

As you all new I am desperately searching for a new career. Things at my current job took a terrible turn about a month ago and have gotten steadily worse since then. I have been looking for jobs and networking, but nothing has come of it. Now, it is time I start swinging for the fences. If you have ever seen a baseball player strike out swinging,there are two ways it goes down. The first way is seen by the guy trying to get one base. He doesn't want to swing to hard because he's worried about pulling it foul, or missing all together and then not only would he not be on base, but he might look desperate or stupid. The other way it happens is when I guy steps up to the plate already determined to swing as hard as he can at the pitches coming his way. He may miss three good pitches, but even when he strikes out the people on his team and those watching will say things like "Man, if he had made contact that thing would have been outta here!" He will strike out looking desperate and maybe even exhausted. But no one will be able to say he didn't give those three swings every thing he had. I am that guy. I have been taking timid swings at a new career, but now the pine tar is on and I am ready to dislocate a shoulder swinging for the fences. If you are parked directly beyond the center field wall...I apologize for what is going to happen to your windshield.

As always I ask for your continued prayers and encouragement and if any of you have any solid jobs leads I would be most grateful to hear of them.