Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A good day

Well, even though my Boys lost Sunday, it was one of the best days I have had in a long time. I woke up and played with my dogs for a while. Cleaned up the house a little bit and then headed out for the day. I planned on spending the day at my parents house to eat lunch and watch the Cowboys game, but I needed to pick up a few things first. I recently realized that I had no idea where my football went, so I got a new one, and a 6 pack of beer ( non-alcoholic since dad doesn't drink) and headed to the house. There was something supremely relaxing about getting together with my family for Sunday lunch. It reminded me a lot of high school. Then my little brother and I threw the football and had a chat until he left for evening church. Dad and I spent the afternoon cheering on our team and had a great time just hanging out. One thing that cool about growing up with a dad you look up to, is that as you get older you replace the concept of your father being a super hero with the respect of understanding that he is a hero in a more practical way. I am nearly 26 and I completely understand that my dad can't fly, stop bullets with his mind, or run as fast as a train. However, I have learned through a lot of priceless conversations and observation that my dad can boost the spirits of his wife and kids, work day in and day out at a job that doesn't appreciate his value to the company just to ensure that his family is taken care of, and after working four 12 hour days consecutively, get up Sunday morning and lead his family to church. My dad is also the kind of hero that will spend an entire Sunday afternoon, watching a football team loose because he knows his son needs a break from the stress. It may not be as flashy as stopping bullets or flying, but I will take my practical hero dad over Superman any day of the week. Also, my dad doesn't wear super gay tights like superheros. That's good.

I hope everybody else had a good weekend. This weekend I will be in Conroe with my wife and a bunch of our friends hanging out at the lake. Much love to you all.

1 comment:

Mama B said...

Soooo, when are we going to hear more from you!? Keep it comin'!