Friday, April 24, 2009

Be anxious for nothing

I feel relatively confident that every single person who reads this blog is either family or close enough to be considered family. For that reason I don't feel the need to explain in great detail that I am a man of faith, but I am not overtly spiritual. That being said, this past week God has shown me a great lesson I have heard my whole life in a brand new light. My last post explained how things at work had gone from bad to worse...and then to terrible. I felt the need ,not only as a man with a job to do, but as a husband who needs to working on being in control of his emotions regardless of circumstance to do my very best to see the good in this situation...or at least be grateful that I am employed. This turned out better than I ever could have imagined. Not only did I feel much better about my situation and truly start to be thankful for what God has provided, but I was able to change the downhearted feeling in my work environment to one of hope and opportunity. By far the greatest thing to come from truly trusting God ( a very difficult task at times) is that my wife and I have grown incredibly closer through this. She saw how hard I was trying to stay positive and she in turn has been incredibly supportive. I guess the whole point of posting this is just to say that I am extremely thankful for the way things have worked out thus far and I am excited, not scared, to see where they go from here. I hate hearing things about how hard times build character and all that crap because nobody wants to hear that when they are royaly pissed off, but the fact of the matter is that God can use all things to his glory and I am learning that in a way I never would have thought.

On a related note I have applied for a position with Texas Parks and Wildlife and I would greatly appreciate your prayers on that front.

I am thinking about starting a weekly or monthly game night at Kimberly and I's home. I think it's very important to stay close to friends and family, especially when times are if you'd be down with game night...let me know. Perhaps yard bowling would be fun.

1 comment:

She thinks too hard! said...

I am very proud of you and your sweet Kimberly. I wouldlove a game night. I could at least bring great snackage!!!