Tuesday, November 18, 2008

*insert clever title here*

I am going to Iowa next week for a wedding and I keep checking the weather online to see what it will be like there. I have never seen snow that stuck to the ground and really looked like winter or anything and I have been very pleased to see that we can expect to see snow falling when we arrive. I'll be flying into Chicago and then driving down to Iowa. I am excited to have the opportunity to see a type of winter I have never experienced.

I have been working alot lately and it has been physically taxing. My back hurts like never before. I am thinking about getting those orthodics or whatever they are called. I have heard they work miracles, but I don't personally know any one who has used them. Have you? Tell me about your experience if you have. I need to be able to make an educated decision on whether or not to purchase these things.

Technology is hilarious. I can't help but take pity on all the people who buy the latest gadget to come out only to have to purchase a newer BETTER gadget 6 weeks later. Smart move! I wish that we, as a people, could understand that materialism is an addiction and can do just as much damage as drugs or alcohol...accept it usually strikes your bank account and credit rating first. Wanting things is not bad...blurring the lines between want and need is very dangerous.

I will finally be getting contacts this Friday and I am very happy! I don't mind wearing glasses now and then, but I got contacts for a reason and having gone nearly a month with out them has reminded me that I still very much need to wear contacts. I knock my glasses off of my face approximately 7.31 times a day at work and with glasses I can't wear sunglasses...so my morning commute becomes considerably more dangerous. I am not exactly Mr. Sunshine in the morning to start with, but mix in a 20 minute commute through 4 school zones being blinded by the sun and I am not the first guy you want to deal with.

My wife and I will move into our new home December 17th and I just soiled myself because of the sheer excitement. Be happy for me. Also, hope that I can convince every one that I run into that I spilled something all over myself. I am gonna say it was Gatorade. I'd buy that.

1 comment:

Mama B said...

You might want to use some orthopedic inserts in your shoes before you invest in a particular pair of special shoes. Dad tried it in his work shoes with great success. We even bought them at HEB!! Can't be much easier than that and not very expensive either.