Saturday, March 28, 2009

I will never get this

Texas weather consistently confounds me. A few days ago I was with my little brother sitting on my back porch sipping some awesome sweet tea and enjoying the mid 8o degree temperatures. We decided to throw the football. After approximately 3.1 throws it started to rain very lightly. Over the next 45 minutes it poured rain and hail. once the rain had subsided we went outside to find that it was in the low 50's. RIDICULOUS!

Anyway, after tonight I am off for three days and I am very excited. My wife and I will get to work on the back yard and get it ready for so many summer shindigs. We will also get to go jogging at the very beautiful San Gabriel park ( a new favorite pass time) and actually prepare a meal together, sit down at the table and eat together, and then she'll clean up the mess I make while eating. No seriously...I'll help too...kinda...I mean I'll provide entertainment while she cleans up.

We have finally entered the last stage of our great kitchen hutch build and will be installing it tomorrow. I really love building things with my hands and also working together with this project has been great fun for me. It's almost a shame to complete it.Oh well...we need to put our dishes some where.

I know soda is bad for you...I know this. I also know that I am an addict and there are alot worse things to be addicted to. I am trying to ween myself off of soda by switching to caffeine free. I still just can't bring myself to drink diet. It tastes like rat poison smells.

Just to update you all on the job hunt situation, I have a seemingly good situation in which a company got my resume through a friend who works there and liked what they saw enough that they are trying to create a position for me. The work I would be doing is in my degree and badly needed in the company, but creating a position can take some time. To follow the wisdom "don't put all your eggs in one basket" I am continuing the search for a better career. Keep me in your prayers.

I am getting very excited about the traveling my wife and I will be doing this summer. My little brothers wedding in May is in Montana, where I have never been. Less than a month later we will head to South Dakota for Kimberly's cousin's wedding. I have also never been there, but I have a great interest in that area and it's people.

So, this summer will be the greatest summer ever and I am very optimistic about what it holds. Opportunity abounds!


Prosso said...

Me and George (my dog) want to come to San Gabriel park with yall.

Prosso said...

We can go Friday. Also, I'm considering doing a blog series where I talk to musicians about music. Do you want to be in it? It will be kind of like Interview magazine.