Saturday, December 20, 2008

Feeling old and young all at once

This week has been crazy! My beautiful wife and I moved into our new home and thus took another big step towards being adults. I am so grateful for the support system of family and friends that Kimberly and I have who have helped us in the past few months and then helped us again this week with all of the moving chaos.Thank you all sincerely! I can not wait to get our new home all set up and decorated the way we want it and have our family over for the Holidays. It's gonna be great.

On the other side of the "feeling grown up" coin is the "I really am still that young at heart" side. I saw the weather forecast for Christmas and Christmas Eve today and almost cried. It is suppose to be in the mid to high 70's and that makes me sick! So, I am praying as hard as I can that something crazy will happen and we'll get an arctic burst or something and drop the temps down into at least the 30's. I am trying to have that child like faith that anything can happen. I know it sounds like a small thing, but it really takes a lot away from the holidays for it to be warm least it does for me.

Soon I will put up pictures of our new home.

P.S. Jesus, If you are reading this...I would seriously appreciate it if you could make it COLD for the next week or two. Thanks

1 comment:

Mr. Brightside said...

You could say we feel the same about the weather. I wrote to Mother Nature regarding this....