Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Career Change ( Part 3 )

I am starting to get very frustrated* with the amount of time it is taking for my career advisor to get back with me. At this stage in the game it has drawn out to about a week from the time I e-mail or call him to the time I get a reply. Much like some of my siblings...I do NOT appreciate waiting.

Yesterday I applied for two positions. Both have appropriate schedules,benefits and the like and they also had the added bonus of allowing me to work for a good cause. One was with the YMCA of Greater Williamson County and the other was with The Caring Place. I feel like I should be hearing back from these companies very soon...but I have been wrong before. Once.

It was icy like a mother when I got up to go to work this morning. I knew it must be really cold because my dog Rovy got UNDER the covers on the bed. Not really...but it was cold.

SUPER BOWL! This year's Super Bowl is going to be awesome for two reasons: It was completely unexpected and Arizona is in it for the first time EVER. There are also some really great back stories this year. If you haven't read about Kurt Warner history in should check it out. Try wikipedia. A lesser known play is Sean McHugh. In early September he was cut from the Detroit Lions. Yes. You read correctly. The worst team in the history of football Detroit Lions actually cut come one. Not just any one either. Sean got cut shortly after finding out that his lovely wife and he were to expect another child. They had also just purchased a house. And no he was unemployed, but only for about a day. The following day he was picked up by a little football team out of Pittsburgh. Yes sir! This cat goes from getting cut by the worst ever team in football to playing for a Super Bowl ring. Good story. True story.

I keep having dreams where I end up with alot of money. I am not sure if it is subconscious hoping or just weird dreams...but it sure would be nice if any of those dreams came true. Yes it would.

* I absolutely hate when people pronounce it "fustrated" or "flustrated". Terrible!

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