Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Things going on with me

Loving my new home and really enjoying spending time getting everything "just so" and truly making it home.

Taking big steps toward getting into a career that will use my degree.

Working to meet my physical fitness and weight goals.

Playing Madden '05 on PS2 with my little brother. This is the best year of Madden for PS2 because it marks the introduction of "the hit stick" there by making it possible to completely ruin somebody while playing defense.

Playing disc golf. I am still very new to the sport, but I am starting to get it down.

Finding out from the optometrist that I do not have an infection, but that I am actually allergic to the saline solution I have been using. What a lame thing to be allergic to.

Helping a friend of mine work on a property he just purchased. We have decided we could have our own DIY show where we can instruct you on how to put up a new panel of sheet rock in a house with NOT a single level surface! would have to be edited.

Reading "After All" the autobiography of Mary Tyler Moore. She has always intrigued me and the book has not let me down thus far.

Scheming with my younger brother about how we might be able to get ourselves a John boat and spend every weekend chillin' on lake Georgetown. Sweet!

I guess that pretty much sums it up.

What's going on with you?

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