Thursday, January 29, 2009


Here's some thing I've been doing lately

-laying Madden '05 on PS2. ( I have learned that the game stops keeping score once you hit 255 in a game )
-Reading "After All" The Biography of Mary Tyler Moore. Sweet.
-Trying to eat right...which means eating breakfast. It's a good thing I work alone in the morning because for some reason slimfast shakes make me terribly gassy.
-Job searching and trying to stay positive/hopeful.

-Listening to In Rainbows by Radiohead. There are so many layers to this album.
-Watching This Old House. Yes. I really like that show.
-Trying to watch LOST. An apt title since that is exactly how I feel trying to catch up after having never watched the show. I think I'd like it if I could start from the beginning.

I guess that's all.

1 comment:

Prosso said...

DONT WATCH LOST OUT OF ORDER! Borrow it from Nathan or watch it online or something.